10 Witty Mom Tips

I’m sure we can all vouch Mom’s are the best. They’re always there- good or bad, downs and ups and everything in between. As growing up takes over, slowly her pieces of advice and words of wisdom start making sense. All along, she knew because mother’s know best!

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In honor of Mother’s Day and my Mom’s birthday falling on the same day this year, I felt it was just necessary to share some things she repeated to me since I was just a little mini version of her. I’ll reluctantly admit I am just realizing they are so damn true (I’m 23). Like I can’t believe I used to think getting ultra tan in the summer ruining my beautiful french roots was cool (organic spray tans make the list). Luckily at 23, I hear these loud and clear and now you can too. 

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  1. If you shall look, you shall find.

  2. Save your money.

  3. Wear sunscreen.

  4. Try different things to see what you love and what you hate. Same with dating. Don’t settle.

  5. Tattoos are permanent, choose wisely. Think about when you’re old, wrinkly and at your daughters wedding if you’d be proud.

  6. Don’t get in fights, they’ll ruin your beautiful face .

  7. Call your grandparents.

  8. Animals are the best medicine.

  9. Make friends wherever you go.

  10. Whatever you put in your brain, it can’t be deleted. 

So here’s to the day-one moms who will always have your best interest. Despite ignoring, fighting and breaking these rules your entire life, she still stays patient. I am so happy to say I agree with every. single. one.

Happy Mothers Day!

Share below what your Mom taught you!

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